Saint Michael

Northern Germany/ Lübeck
around 1430 – 60
109.0 cm x 45.0 cm
Previous owner
Mannheim private collection



On the subject:

Archangel Michael is one of the most important and powerful figures in the heavenly hierarchy. His name, “Who is like God?”, reflects his incomparable position as a defender of the divine will and a leading fighter against evil. In the Bible, particularly in the Revelation of St. John, Michael is described as the leader of the heavenly host who emerges victorious in a decisive battle against the great dragon – a symbol of Satan: “And there was a battle in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. And the dragon fought, and his angels, but they did not prevail, and their place was no longer found in heaven. And the great dragon was overthrown, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world.” (Rev 12:7).

St. Michael:

In Christian iconography, St. Michael is often depicted as a courageous warrior dressed in magnificent armor. His attributes include a long sword or a messenger’s staff, which emphasizes his role as a divine messenger. A red scarf falls over his shoulder, reaching down to his knees, a symbol of bloodshed in the fight against evil. At his feet lies the defeated devil, often depicted in the form of a dragon, symbolizing the final triumph of good over evil.

A sculpture that embodies this depiction of the Archangel Michael was examined by Dr. Miller in Ottobrunn in 2014. The then museum director of the Bavarian Museums and Palace Administration confirmed the authenticity and historical significance of this depiction. A 14C analysis from 2012, carried out by the University of Tübingen at the Curt Engelhorn Center for Archaeometry in Mannheim, dated the object to a significant Gothic period.

This impressive work of art shows the archangel in his characteristic pose, the fallen dragon at his feet, and reminds us of the eternal battle between good and evil.


Expertise Dr. Miller Ottobrunn 2014

Retired Director of the Bavarian Museums and Palace Administration

Expert opinion / age determination 14C analysis:

University of Tübingen 2012 / Curt Engelhorn Center Archaeometry

68159 Mannheim / Germany