Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God of Kursk

Russia/ Moscow
End of 19th century
26.8 cm x 22.2 cm
Previous owner
South German private collection


The Kursk Icon: A story of miracles and faith

The icon of the All-Holy Mother of God of the Sign of Kursk, also known as the “Icon from the Root”, has a long history in Russian Orthodoxy. This sacred icon, adorned with a silver-gilt riza, embodies not only the spiritual power, but also the history and cultural heritage of the Kursk region.

The history of the icon dates back to the 12th century, a time when the region and the city of Kursk were almost completely destroyed by the Mongols. In the midst of this destruction, a God-fearing hunter found an icon lying upside down on a tree stump while hunting in the forest. This chance discovery turned out to be a divine sign, as the hunter and his companions built a wooden chapel on this very spot. The icon was kept there and venerated by the population. From that moment on, the icon was seen as the protector of the region and its inhabitants.


Over the centuries, numerous miracles have been attributed to the icon. It is said to have fended off enemies and saved the region from further destruction. Belief in the protective power of the icon grew steadily, and it became a symbol of faith and hope for the people of Kursk.

In the 16th century, the icon received additional honor when Tsarina Irina Feodorovna adorned it with a rich gilded and silver-plated oklad. This magnificent frame, also known as a riza, lent the icon a special significance and served as inspiration so that all icons of this type were also provided with a high-quality oklad.

The icon of Kursk remains a central symbol of faith to this day, revered for generations as a symbol of protection and hope. Her story is proof of the deep connection between faith and people who trust in divine assistance in times of need and change.

The icon:


The icon follows the representation of the Mother of God of the Sign (Znanemie) with Christ Emmanuel, around her are depicted prophets as follows.

Left from top to bottom: King David, Moses, Isaiah and Zechariah
Top middle section: God the Father, below holy Avakim
On the right from top to bottom: King Solomon, Daniel, Jeremiah and Elijah


The icon bears the following silver hallmarks at the bottom edge, on the left the hallmark of the Moscow inspectorate with the initials of the inspector Ivan Sergeevich Lebedkin 1896 – 1908.
The master’s stamp with the initials S. K. Z. on the right.

A rare collector’s item!